Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I Voted, and All I Got Was This Lousy President.

So the election isn't quite a done deal, but even with a tie, I'm not expecting much from the House of Representatives.

This Christmas, I'm asking Santa for a Philosopher King.


Quyen said...

I just found you! :) I liked the juxtaposition of the last two blog titles... hehe VERY witty and cute! :D

Anonymous said...

Your vote only counts if you are a white republican in diebold states :(

bava said...

Hey, I miss your puns!

I can understand having an overwhelming
feeling of despair after this last election,
but that's no reason to stop blogging!

It's the perfect opportunity to rant!
Come back! (wow, that's a lot of exclamations)

Eve L said...

Yes, sir!