Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I choose you, Pikachu!

I thought there was some law against reporting election results before all polling locations had closed so as not to influence voters on the west coast. Either I'm wrong, or the good people of the Associated Press are naughty, naughty lawbreakers.

Regardless, at this point I've not yet gone to vote; that will be my exciting after work activity. Aside from the presidential hopefuls, I know squat about the general election candidates. I hate the idea of making an uneducated decision, but going to the polls and not voting on everything on the ballot also galls me. I can't find anything more than a list of candidate names, and trying to look up stances for each one is enough to make me tear my hair out. Oh, comprehensive site, come to me!


bava said...

Try http://www.OnTheIssues.orgI don't know if it's "comprehensive", but it's got more than a list of names, for the most part. Good luck at the polls!

- bava

Eve L said...

I give them credit for being concise, though not comprehensive.