Thursday, September 21, 2006

Success by Diagram: Parking!

Perhaps this is proof that reality really is subjective! Is there some sort of irony or paradox in phrasing reality as 'really subjective'?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ant hill vs. boiling water: t - 15sec.

Oh, the carnage! After a night of sitting, there are so many dead ants on the pavement, they literally make an ant hill. Sadly, this is not the first time.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Avast belay, yo ho, heave to,
A-pirating we go
And if we're parted by a shot
We're sure to meet below!

Yo ho, yo ho, the pirate life,
The flag o'skull and bones
A merry hour, a hempen rope,
And hey for Davy Jones.

- from Peter Pan

Willie Nillie

Sorry about the shoddy quality. = camera phone.

I keep a mental note of stuff to update about, but I never seem to get around to it, and it just gets passed by. So, a few things over the past two months:

I went with Nick to Gencon in Indianapolis last month. It's a four day long nerd convention to promote current and upcoming miniature, collectable card, and board games. It's not my thing, but I god-damn love super secret nerds, and I actually had a pretty good time. Indianapolis stinks, though. Stay away.

Also, got a promotion and a raise. I finally gave in to my managers prodding because I need the money. I had to do this panel interview and present a coffee pairing. French Roast + smoked salmon.

Few days ago I worked an 8 hr shift, and then covered for a friend on a movie set for another 8hrs because he had to be in class. Helped the actress rehearse lines and made sure she had everything she needed. Helped the woman doing makeup a bit, too. So exhausted after 16 hours straight of work, I felt like I was driving home drunk. At least I met Willie Nelson.