Tuesday, October 19, 2004

No Candy

I do the shopping for my office, and one of the one of the guys, JFK, told me I wasn't allowed to buy candy anymore (because almost everyone is trying to eat healthier, and I ruin it my buying miniature wrapped snickers. He walks into the kitchen right after I've put away a bunch of candy, and I'm standing there with a giant fist full of empty candy bags, so I jedi mind-trick him a la 'these are not the droids you're looking for' and tell him I didn't buy any candy.

'Ok, good' he says, and begins to turn to leave when he spots the big tub of candy on the counter. 'Hey, what's that?! he asks, looking surprised. Then, he points it finger at me and say 'You're going to hell. You know that don't you?' I thought it was pretty funny, especially since he was oblivious to the bounty of candy bags overflowing from the cornucopia that was my hand.

I don't think he caught the Star Wars reference. So sad.


bava said...

Ha! Making movie references that no one gets is the story of my sad, sad life. Mostly references from "The Big Lebowski", because that's such a good, quotable movie. Star Wars quotes kick ass too.

Did you watch the new Star Wars release on DVD?
Lucas is a damned lobotomized monkey, I swear.

Eve L said...

No, I haven't seen it. I'm not really a big enough fan as to catch anything but the biggest changes (though I hear that are some preeety big changes)