Thursday, October 14, 2004

Mass. Debater

The problem with watching all three presidential debates is that it becomes tiresome hearing the same points mentioned time and again as the candidates attempt to capture the votes of first time viewers by largely ignoring the actual questions. Regardless, I'm glad I watched them, particularly the first one, as it was especially amusing. Now I just have to hope that my registration card arrives, that I have been listed at my polling place, that nothing unforeseen happens to prevent me from getting there, that my vote isn't miscounted or thrown out... not that I think it'll will matter, as Bush is almost guaranteed to win Texas. Oh, to live in a swing state.

I made up that title just because I could. Oh, sweet power.

ps. Natural lighting is the best, even when you can see up my nose.


Karla said...

We always used to joke about "master debators" and "cunning linguists".


Eve L said...

I thought about trying to work Bush into it somehow, too, but decided against it. Maybe... The Bush, and the Mass. Debater.

Karla said...

Bush and Mass. Debator?

It's a crime *not* to take advantage of that!

Reminds me of the John Denver parody song...