Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Hello, Scorpion

This morning I went to make coffee (and accidentally scared the crap out of a scorpion. He accidentally scared the crap out of me. Awesome!) I start pouring out the coffee left over from yesterday, and he goes spilling down the side of the sink, onto the drain. I'm finally starting to understand why people get freaked out when they run into scorpions. Where the hell did he come from, and what was he doing in the sink!?

There are so many good places to hang out, but some scorpions aren't bothering to find out what where they'd like to hang out, and are just sitting around where they want to be seen sitting. For those that genuinely like sitting in the sink, let me just warn you that I know a guy named Runar, and he will cut your tail off with a knife and then wash you down the sink with some lovely smelling dishwashing liquid. For everyone else: Stay away from the sink. In fact, just stay away.


Karla said...

I started clicking through your blog. It's a great read! I'll keep checking back.


Anonymous said...

I like the story, creative, funny, and attractive (definition of cute).