Thursday, September 09, 2004

100 Things About Me

1. I have no middle name.
2. I was an air force brat
3. I like moving.
4. I grew up primarily in Europe.
5. I've always wanted dark hair.
6. I don't like the texture of mushrooms.
7. I hate tomatoes, but I love ketchup and V8.
8. When I was young, I was very proud of having been born in England.
9. When I discovered being born on base meant I wasn't English, I considered dual-citizenship.
10. I no longer care.
11. I get girl crushes.
12. For the most part, girls annoy me.
13. I have quite an ego, but I can't handle criticism.
14. I like telling people I'm half-Colombian, because it gets a reaction.
15. I like telling them I put American cheese in my hot chocolate for the same reason.
16. I'm bilingual.
17. I'm scared of Spiders.
18. My favorite color is blue.
19. I was almost named Adriana.
20. I have issues about not having control.
21. I'm impatient and despise being late.
22. I'm addicted to chapstick and coffee.
23. I can't stand living with other people's messes.
24. I don't like saying 'no,' and often end up doing things I don't want to do. This has gotten me into trouble.
25. I love puns.
26. I'm really good at them.
27. I love doing art and creative things.
28. I gave it up when I went to college in exchange for a 'sensible' major.
29. My favorite subject is Economics, followed by Philosophy.
30. I ran track in high school and liked it.
31. I like to sprint when I'm drunk.
32. I've built playgrounds in Romania.
33. I've run from the police in Venice.
34. I once took part in a foreign language festival and won first place in every event I entered, including drama.
35. I don't like being touched or crowded.
36. I refuse to talk when I'm upset.
37. I cry easily.
38. I take things the wrong way.
39. I take things personally when they're not meant to be.
40. I'm hard on myself.
41. I like rough drunk kisses that leave my lips bruised.
42. I miss smoking.
43. I get allot of compliments about the way I move.
44. I randomly lose my balance and have to catch myself.
45. I get cold easily.
46. I've crisscrossed the US so many times, I've hit just about every state.
47. I fidget allot before I go to sleep.
48. I love to read.
49. I'm a morning person.
50. I'm an Aries/Pisces cusp.
51. My ears were pierced when I was still a baby.
52. I don't like soda.
53. If I do drink something fizzy, I try and shake out most of the carbonation.
54. My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough.
55. I love spinach and asparagus.
56. I didn't get my driver's licence until I was 23.
57. I want to live in a city with a subway so I can take a train everywhere I go.
58. My mom calls me Tita.
59. I have no allergies.
60. I don't hold my pencil 'properly.'
61. I'm an atheist and always have been.
62. I like spirituality but not religion.
63. When I was younger I was teased for believing in evolution.
64. I'm near-sighted.
65. I've had a sewing needle go through my palm, and another break off in my finger.
66. I've never broken a bone, but I got stitches when locker fell on my head.
67. I've burned my mouth with a weak acid.
68. I used to have seizures when I was young, but they stopped on their own.
69. I've had a pet cat, dog, hamster, fish, mouse, chick, and a tortoise. When it was older, my uncle ate my chicken.
70. Sometimes I sleep face down.
71. Occasionaly, I'll go to sleep and I'll be conscious of being unable to move of breath. The doctor said it's Night Terrors. It makes me scared to go back to sleep because it seems so real it's difficult to believe I'm just dreaming.
72. I give good massages.
73. I have Hepatitis-A.
75. I like to play video games.
76. I throw like a girl.
77. I don't like it when guys are to blunt when they hit on me. It makes me feel trapped, and awkward.
78. I love airports and flying.
79. I've been buying the same kind of pen for ten years: Pilot Precise V5 Extra-Fine, in blue. I think it makes my writing look pretty.
80. I hate gardening or outdoor work.
81. I almost never paint my nails, and when I do, I paint them a metallic burnt orange.
82. I've never lived by myself. I think I'd be lonely.
83. I had my first cavity when I was 17. The dentist said it was unavoidable.
84. Only once in my life have I truely been depressed.
85. I'm not easily jealous.
86. When I was young, I would refuse to take naps. This drove my mom crazy.
87. I voluntarily took my first nap sophomore year of college, and liked it.
88. I don't own much aside from books and clothes because I throw everything away.
89. I only hold hands with people I'm willing to sleep with. This frustrates guys on first dates.
90. Porn would be more enjoyable if it wasn't so fake.
91. However, bad porn imitating serious movies or literature is really fun to watch with friends. MacBeth, anyone?
92. I don't mind shots, or having my blood taken.
93. I don't drink enough liquids. I have a glass of coffee in the morning, and that's about it.
94. I always wear my seat-belt.
95. I lived at the base of the Italian Alps for four years, and I've never been skiing.
96. I hate the words 'hubby' and 'asshole.'
97. I've always liked pale boys with dark hair.
98. I was very proud of my freckles as a kid. Almost all have faded, except one on my nose, which my dad repeatedly mistakes as a piece of dirt. That one is fading, too.
99. I think my name (Jennifer) is over used and boring, but I couldn't imagine changing it.
100. I think more girls should give video games an honest try.

< ? 100 Things # >


bava said...

I'm impressed that people can come up with 100 things about themselves on the spot (though I imagine it took a little while). I feel pretty self-observant; I guess I just find it hard to break people down (myself, particularly) into factoids.

I'm with you on the pen thing, though. Mine is a Uniball Vision Micro in black. I did blue for a long time 'til my girlfriend who was in India broke up with me while I was in France and I became horribly bitter. Black ink seemed more fitting for my mood at the time, and I've stuck with it since (though my mood's improved).

What's a "girl crush"?

Eve L said...

Occasionally, I get innocent crushes on girls. I really don't think I'm bi, but I think girls are pretty.

happyweasel said...

Of course girls are pretty. I really like this post; don't think I'd have the guts to put one of my own out.