Friday, December 03, 2004

About Yarn Time

I'm in a rather loquacious mood, which is unfortunate because I'm at work and have no one to talk to. I'm still yo-yoing between hobbies. I'm still on a gaming kick (nerd core!), but now I want something to supplement it, and I haven't really felt like reading lately. Suddenly I decided I wanted to try out knitting, which is weird because I usually find the idea to be a turn off. I think it's because, in my mind, it goes hand in hand with giggly girly girls. Yech!

So... knitting. But, not just knitting, I want a sewing machine so I can hit some thrift stores and try my hand at deconstructing. In any case, I picked up Stitch 'N Bitch to teach myself to knit, and at the top of this post, you can see a lovely picture of my first effort. I am proud of my swatch.

1 comment:

Caryn said...

Hooray for sewing machines! We got a lot in common at the moment: I'm alone at work (meeting people for dinner later and don't want to go home first); and I'm feeling SO crafty! I plan to hang in this weekend and try making a quilt. It could turn out to be fugly, but whatevs. No one has to sleep with it except me. I tried knitting last year, but I didn't really take to it. Sewing's more my thing. But I have a few friends who LOVE knitting. Love it. They're all busy making Christmas presents. ... This is a long comment. But like we both said: work, alone, crafty, Friday! Aaah! Have a great weekend, sweets.