Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Hooray flamingos! For Valentines, they had a slew of red plastic hearts out front, and I think they had penguins last winter, but I can't remember.

Since I stumbled on some pictures online... Austin also has Leslie. Roughly the equivalent of New York's Naked Cowboy, I'd heard of him before I ever moved to Austin. He's been running for Mayor for the past few years. Three years ago I had the dubious pleasure of seeing him in a bikini at Eeyore's Birthday. Far more startling was an overweight guy I saw painted silver wearing nothing but a thong.


Caryn said...

Hahaha! What a slur to the Naked Cowboy! HE'S HOT! Leslie? Nosomuch. ;)

Eve L said...

Yes, the Naked cowboy is way hotter. However, Leslies has great taste in clothes. The Naked cowboy has none.