Friday, May 28, 2004

Final Fantasy Flaming

I'm constantly amazed by the degree of bitching that goes on in the Final Fantasy XI forums on Allakhazam. I understand people griping about things like stupid players not knowing how to do their jobs, not willing to skill chain or learn how, and not having the most (realistically) up to date armor. (The standard armor for your level, not necessarily the suped-up expensive +1 stuff.) Anger about kill steals, botting, and people scamming parties for rare drops is understandable, too.

What baffles me are when the bad players who don't know how to do their job, never skill chain, don't wear reasonably up to date armor, and don't level their sub-job flame about people who won't invite them because of these issues, with the stipulation that since they're paying for the game, they should be able to do what they want, and get invites from people who ALSO pay for the game.

People who refuse to party with races that aren't optimal in that class are just as justified to gripe as people who create them, if they make no effort to compensate for the weaknesses by eating food and buying equipment with the appropriate modifiers.

I have read posts where people justify cheating, hacking, botting, power leveling, and buying gil with cash with the argument that they don't have the time to do these things, but should still have all the benefits as the people who invest a lot of time crafting, farming, and legitimately investing in their character. That someone does not have as much time to invest in their character does not make it ok to undermine someone else's accomplishments with cheats, or break the TOA.

Reading posts where cheaters bitch about getting caught and banned makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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