Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I knit a kitty last night.

No kitty, that's my ball of yarn!


SOL said...

I started to read your blog at 2:50am and finished at 5:32am. This doesn’t happen very often but from reading your 1st entry I was completely camptured and I didn’t stop until I finished reading you completely. You’re so funny and I feel like we have many things in common, to many things in common that it got kind of scary. I found you when I made a search for people who liked Ely Guerra and found you amongst many other people but you like me live in Austin and it went from there. It started with Ely and it continued with Gael Garcia. I also think San Antonio is ugly; I worked for Microsoft and assisted the Microsoft team by playing Halo 2 for hours and trying to find errors on the game. I’m bilingual, I paint on canvas and acrylic (In my blog I have piece that I painted in my room when I was 19), I have a dog named Pancha, I don’t know who you voted for but I have Bush and ammmmmmmmmm well, I really just want to thank you for helping me kill time with your simple description of your simple life that you describe in such a lovely way. I hope this message is of no imposition and thank you.

Sorry if my writting is crapy but I write better in spanish.

Eve L said...

thanks! I can't believe I haven't posted since march. What a slacker!